Customer Demands Flashy Engine-Less Go-Kart For Race Against Son, Employees Happily Oblige
They tried to warn him, but I guess the customer is always right even when they're dead wrong.
Published 4 years ago in Funny
They tried to warn him, but I guess the customer is always right even when they're dead wrong. He definitely can't say they didn't give him what he wanted!
This Kevin of a man apparently bet his son $200 on a go-kart race, then refused to listen when the employees told him the flashy kart he wanted was just a decorative prop. You'd think with that kind of money on the line, he'd listen when they tell him that his desired kart had no engine but obviously active listening has never been a forte of people like this.
This Kevin of a man apparently bet his son $200 on a go-kart race, then refused to listen when the employees told him the flashy kart he wanted was just a decorative prop. You'd think with that kind of money on the line, he'd listen when they tell him that his desired kart had no engine but obviously active listening has never been a forte of people like this.